Faith or Bullshit

“Deporting all the immigrants and banning Muslims” (Leviticus 19:33-34) OR Why We're Done with Fake News Christians

“Deporting all the immigrants and banning Muslims” (Leviticus 19:33-34) OR Why We're Done with Fake News Christians

To be clear: you are the absolute worst, and there will be a reckoning, before God, one day. Hope you’re wearing clean underwear.

"The Bible is Very Clear on Right and Wrong": An Open Letter to People Offended by 'The Trump Cards' Donations

"The Bible is Very Clear on Right and Wrong": An Open Letter to People Offended by 'The Trump Cards' Donations

"The Church universal does not feel one way about abortion or legal proceedings within the United States. Individual denominations, and individual people within those denominations, will make up their own minds in regards to these things. And miraculously, divinely, they remain within the Love of Christ."